SYCAMORE AMENITY LAND – Let’s give credit where credit is due

It wasn’t ONLY the Liberal Democrat ward councillors who helped stop the recent application to build on the Sycamore Road amenity land (used by the residents of the flats), as comes across in the recent Lib Dem leaflet.

My congratulations go to the many residents who objected so strongly (71 separate objections). In particular to Rob Jennings of the Sycamore Management Company who co-ordinated the campaign, lobbied the Parish Council and the District Councillors, and made such eloquent presentations. He did a great job.

The Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan was a key reason for the decision. In fact, Cllr Sarah Bedford, one of the most experienced district councillors, used the Neighbourhood Plan extensively to identify reasons to refuse this application. I also spoke at the TRDC planning meeting last Thursday 22nd April and used the Neighbourhood Plan to object.

The Neighbourhood Plan was developed by the Croxley Green Parish Council, with the help of interested residents. It is specifically designed to help stop this type of development. I led the team producing it for 5 years. It went to referendum in 2018 and achieved a 94% yes vote. We had no support or encouragement from the Liberal Democrat district councillors. In fact, I was told I was wasting my time by a former Liberal Democrat leader of the council.

Thanks is due to most of the TRDC planning committee members and ward councillors for their support. It was a success for our community but please, Liberal Democrats, stop trying to take all the credit. You would not have had such strong grounds to refuse the application without the Neighbourhood Plan.

I am standing in the local elections to protect our Green Belt and green spaces, to improve communication and consultation with local residents, and to ensure community assets are used for the benefit of our community.

If you vote for me and I get elected I will be an independently minded councillor standing up for the interests of the residents.

Chris Mitchell

Green Party candidate for Dickinsons Ward 2021


Promoted by Andrew Gallagher on behalf of Chris Mitchell, all at 2 Uplands, Croxley Green WD3 4RD.
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