Chris Mitchell
District Councillor

Narinder Sian
District Councillor

Cheryl Stungo
District Councillor

Emma Brading

Michael Rayment
Co-Chair & Election Agent

Andrew Gallagher
Treasurer & Election Agent

Bobbie Curran
Roberta (Bobbie) Curran, was Election Agent for Three Rivers Green Party from 2017 to 2021. Bobbie was instrumental in the start-up of the local party. She arranged and supported candidates to stand for the Green Party in elections every year. She has now moved out of the area but continues to be involved in local politics and an active member of the Green Party.

Kelsey Trevett
Kelsey Trevett was Membership Officer for Three Rivers Green Party in 2020. During this time, he welcomed new members and encourage people to join our events. Kelsey grew up in Three Rivers and is now studying Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford University. He is currently Co-Chair of the Young Greens alongside Jane Baston. Kelsey thinks this is a pivotal moment for the Young Greens.

Batchworth Community Council
Paul Dawson, Emma Brading and Peter Loader were Batchworth Community Councillors between 2019 and 2021.
As Councillors, they amended the grant-awarding policy to encompass environmental projects. As a result, the Three Rivers Swift Group were able to purchase 14 swift nest boxes. Groups can still apply for a grant of up to £500. They supported the application to register Rickmansworth Bowls Club as an Asset of Community Value and this has now been secured for five years.
Emma ran four focus groups with Rickmansworth residents as part of the consultation for the Batchworth Neighbourhood Plan. The purpose of The Plan is to help improve the quality of life and the built and natural environment for our community. Emma remains a member of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and is working to ensure the highest standards of design, sustainability and environmental protection are written into planning policy.
Croxley Green Parish Council
Andrew Gallagher, Narinder Sian, Cheryl Stungo and Angus Glasser are currently serving as independent Parish Councillors in Croxley Green.