Future of the Red Cross Hall

In their recent Focus newsletter local Liberal Democrats claim the building is “dilapidated”. Many people thought the site was no longer being used.  However, the Red Cross mobility aids service is still open 5 mornings a week and in the afternoon and evening on Thursdays

Chris asked Three Rivers District Council for a view.  At the Council meeting on 17th October Cllr Keith Martin (Liberal Democrat) stated: “Officers’ opinion is that the premises are not in a state of dilapidation…” and “The use of the phrase ‘dilapidated’ is a subjective term….”.

Three Rivers District Council issued a joint statement with Croxley Green Parish Council on the future of the building at the beginning of August.  https://www.threerivers.gov.uk/news/joint-statement-on-red-cross-buildings-future

On 17th October, the deputy leader of Three Rivers, Cllr Stephen Giles Medhurst, stated it would be disingenuous to remove the Red Cross Hall from the consultation on the local plan because the Council intended to consult residents soon on the future development of the site.

District councillors and Parish Council representatives met Three Rivers officers on 29 August and were shown detailed plans for the site.  But they were asked to keep them confidential.  Your elected councillors know what Three Rivers District Council intend to do with the site but we have been asked not to tell our residents.

Chris and Narinder ask “WHY?  What is Three Rivers District Council trying to hide from residents?”

Three Rivers Green Party think residents should know the Council’s detailed plans for the site when they are consulted on the revised Local Plan.

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