Uncategorised Archives - Three Rivers Green Party https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/category/uncategorised/ Three Rivers Green Party Mon, 23 Oct 2023 10:48:36 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/87/2023/01/cropped-logo-512-1-32x32.jpg Uncategorised Archives - Three Rivers Green Party https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/category/uncategorised/ 32 32 Future of the Red Cross Hall https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/2023/10/22/future-of-the-red-cross-hall/ Sun, 22 Oct 2023 10:59:21 +0000 https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/?p=1362 The post Future of the Red Cross Hall appeared first on Three Rivers Green Party.

In their recent Focus newsletter local Liberal Democrats claim the building is “dilapidated”. Many people thought the site was no longer being used.  However, the Red Cross mobility aids service is still open 5 mornings a week and in the afternoon and evening on Thursdays

Chris asked Three Rivers District Council for a view.  At the Council meeting on 17th October Cllr Keith Martin (Liberal Democrat) stated: “Officers’ opinion is that the premises are not in a state of dilapidation…” and “The use of the phrase ‘dilapidated’ is a subjective term….”.

Three Rivers District Council issued a joint statement with Croxley Green Parish Council on the future of the building at the beginning of August.  https://www.threerivers.gov.uk/news/joint-statement-on-red-cross-buildings-future

On 17th October, the deputy leader of Three Rivers, Cllr Stephen Giles Medhurst, stated it would be disingenuous to remove the Red Cross Hall from the consultation on the local plan because the Council intended to consult residents soon on the future development of the site.

District councillors and Parish Council representatives met Three Rivers officers on 29 August and were shown detailed plans for the site.  But they were asked to keep them confidential.  Your elected councillors know what Three Rivers District Council intend to do with the site but we have been asked not to tell our residents.

Chris and Narinder ask “WHY?  What is Three Rivers District Council trying to hide from residents?”

Three Rivers Green Party think residents should know the Council’s detailed plans for the site when they are consulted on the revised Local Plan.

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Local Plan Update https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/2023/10/22/local-plan-update/ Sun, 22 Oct 2023 10:57:43 +0000 https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/?p=1358 The post Local Plan Update appeared first on Three Rivers Green Party.

On 17th October Three Rivers District Council agreed to consult residents on a revised Local Plan.

Three Rivers Green Party supports the overall approach and the “Low Growth and Green Belt Restraint” strategy.

Chris Mitchell and Narinder Sian abstained in the final vote, because the Liberal Democrats refused to remove the British Red Cross Centre & Hall from the list of sites to be included.

Chris submitted an amendment to remove the Red Cross Hall (site CG65) from the Plan.

This was supported by the other political parties, and the Residents’ Associations, but rejected by the Liberal
Democrats who control the Council. Chris has worked with councillors and the Residents’ Associations to help develop this amended local plan. He says “I endorse and support the overall approach, identifying our local housing need and
protecting most of our precious Green Belt.

We need more homes, with all the supporting infrastructure. But that must include protecting vital community facilities, like the Red Cross Hall in Croxley Green.”

Narinder said: “There is much in the local plan we can support. We do need to build more homes. People need somewhere to live and our young people need affordable housing.”

He pointed out that many Affordable Rented Dwellings are being built in Croxley Green, as part of the Killingdown Farm development, and more have been proposed at Grove Court. The Croxley Station site and the Cinnamond site could both provide many more.

Three Rivers Green Party think that registered community assets should be protected for the use of the whole community and not demolished for house building.

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New Green Councillor https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/2023/05/28/new-green-councillor/ Sun, 28 May 2023 06:30:40 +0000 https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/?p=1342 The successful candidate Narinder Sian said  “A huge thank you to everyone who has worked so hard to make this happen. So proud of the whole team @3RivGreenParty, all our volunteers and the wonderful residents who put their trust in us. Looking forward to getting on with the job with Cllr Chris Mitchell”

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The successful candidate Narinder Sian said

 “A huge thank you to everyone who has worked so hard to make this happen.

So proud of the whole team @3RivGreenParty, all our volunteers and the wonderful residents who put their trust in us.

Looking forward to getting on with the job with Cllr Chris Mitchell”

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Canvassing Croxley Green https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/2023/04/29/1330/ Sat, 29 Apr 2023 20:45:46 +0000 https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/?p=1330 The post Canvassing Croxley Green appeared first on Three Rivers Green Party.

Another great day of canvassing in Croxley Green. Huge amount of support on the doorstep – fingers crossed for Polling Day on 4th May.

Narinder Sian is our candidate in Croxley Green, Dickinsons ward and we wish him luck and success on polling day in his attempt to accompany Chris Mitchell onto the District Council

He said on this important occasion

“I am very lucky to have such an amazing team supporting my candidacy”💚

(Don’t forget your photo ID on polling day)

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Killingdown Farm Development https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/2023/02/24/killingdown-farm-development/ Fri, 24 Feb 2023 12:30:37 +0000 https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/?p=1305 The post Killingdown Farm Development appeared first on Three Rivers Green Party.

The Killingdown farm development, which frankly is not popular in Croxley Green, has caused a lot of heartache and issues for the residents living near the site. Green Cllr Chris Mitchell has been working very hard helping residents with issues and liaising with officers in Three Rivers, who are doing their best to keep planning matters in line.

It has not been easy. Cllr Chris Mitchell convinced the contractor, Hill, to have regular meetings with the immediate neighbours, and the meetings have been very useful to ensure very annoying issue are dealt with.

The last meeting was held on 9th February.

Hill have tried to help out and deal with concerns. However, the problem with the condition Little Green Lane is ongoing, and Cllr Chris Mitchell is working closely with the County Councillor as Hertfordshire County Council are responsible for the roads.

Chris will continue to support the local community.

Cllr Chris Mitchell and green party campaigner Narinder Sian outside the Killingdown farm development. Narinder is working very hard with Cllr Mitchell on local issues.

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Caring for Croxley Common Moor https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/2023/02/16/caring-for-croxley-common-moor/ Thu, 16 Feb 2023 06:27:58 +0000 https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/?p=1292 The post Caring for Croxley Common Moor appeared first on Three Rivers Green Party.

Taking a tea break after a shower of rain

Parish councillors, Andrew Gallagher and Narinder Sian, joined the Friends of Croxley Common Moor helping to clear overgrown scrub.

The Moor is a precious grassland habitat and without proper management brambles, bushes, and trees can overwhelm it.

The Friends welcome volunteers to help with a range of conservation activities on the Moor once a month.


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A Moving Memorial https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/2023/02/16/a-moving-memorial/ Thu, 16 Feb 2023 06:25:17 +0000 https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/?p=1288 The post A Moving Memorial appeared first on Three Rivers Green Party.

Greens joined councillors from all over the county to pay tribute

Chris and Narinder attended the Holocaust memorial day organised by the Chair of Three Rivers District Council.

The Lord-Lieutenant of Hertfordshire, Robert Voss CBE, shared a deeply moving personal story.

Thank you to the organisers and speakers.

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Gifts for Care Homes https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/2023/02/16/gifts-for-care-homes/ Thu, 16 Feb 2023 06:21:57 +0000 https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/?p=1284 The post Gifts for Care Homes appeared first on Three Rivers Green Party.

Helping to deliver donated gifts to local care homes For the last 8 years, local resident, Emily Benner has coordinated Christmas gift donations to people
in care homes with no loved ones.

She has since become a parish councillor and has partnered with local charity Small Acts of Kindness.

Chris and Narinder were delighted
to support Violet’s Gift, helping to wrap and deliver donated gifts to care homes across Three Rivers.

Thanks to Emily, parish councillors, staff, and local residents, over 1000 people received gifts this Christmas.

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2023 Campaign Launch https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/2023/02/11/2023-campaign-launch/ Sat, 11 Feb 2023 08:52:13 +0000 https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/?p=1278 The post 2023 Campaign Launch appeared first on Three Rivers Green Party.

Great atmosphere and very positive vibe. Looking forward to the campaign ahead.

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Hanging on the line at Three Rivers?   https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/2023/02/01/hanging-on-the-line-at-three-rivers/ Wed, 01 Feb 2023 18:38:30 +0000 https://threerivers.greenparty.org.uk/?p=1257 The post <strong>Hanging on the line at Three Rivers?  </strong> appeared first on Three Rivers Green Party.

An average eight-minute wait on the district council customer service line before residents get any response could soon be history, after Green councillor Chris Mitchell got unanimous council approval last month for a five-point strategy to improve the service.

“Three Rivers is getting a poor reputation for communications from what people tell me,” says Mitchell. “I’ve had a steady string of complaints, including one from a resident left hanging on the line for over 40 minutes and who is now refusing to call.” Mitchell says the phone link is vital for many people unable to use or access digital support online.

The council has agreed to continue high profile advertising on how to use online access; add advice to an automated recorded phone message about the less busy times to call; and maintain existing extra staff levels at anticipated busy times.

In addition all councillors will receive a monthly statistics report on telephone responses and use their personal contacts, newsletters and other media to urge residents whenever possible to make online calls on simple issues like missed bin collections – thus freeing up phone lines for those without internet access or with complex enquiries that cannot be answered online.

“Small changes in the focus on what is done for residents can make a large difference, and I will be reviewing how this will work,” says Mitchell.

Contact Three Rivers online at https://www.threerivers.gov.uk/egcl-page/customer-services or, you cannot get online or have a more complicated issue, call 01923 776611. It’s best to ring early morning before the phone lines get too busy – particularly on the busiest days, Mondays and Tuesdays.

Contact Chris Mitchell at: croxleygreens@gmail.com or leave a message on 01923 775642.

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