Co-Chair, Author at Three Rivers Green Party Three Rivers Green Party Fri, 17 Feb 2023 06:42:44 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Co-Chair, Author at Three Rivers Green Party 32 32 VIDEO: Croxley Green Belt out of Local Plan Fri, 20 Jan 2023 18:01:02 +0000 The post VIDEO: Croxley Green Belt out of Local Plan appeared first on Three Rivers Green Party.

Good news! The District Council has decided that the proposal for 500 new homes by Rousebarn Lane will not be included in the Local Plan.

Cllr Chris Mitchell says:

“I have attended all the Local Plan committee meetings since being elected.  I have been able to speak up for Croxley Green and have been listened to.  I am thankful to all parties for this unanimous decision to protect the Green Belt.”

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Open letter: Disown the government’s ‘attack on nature’ Fri, 07 Oct 2022 14:01:52 +0000 The post Open letter: Disown the government’s ‘attack on nature’ appeared first on Three Rivers Green Party.

Three Rivers Green Party and Green Party Councillor Chris Mitchell have written to all local conservative councillors, calling on them to disown the governments ‘attack on nature’.

The full letter reads:

Dear Mr Mohindra and Three Rivers Conservative councillors,

“This Government has today launched an attack on nature” ~ RSPB England

There is widespread anger in response to government plans to remove fundamental legal protections for our environment. Opposition has come from many organisations ranging  from the RSPB and National Trust through to the Wildlife Trusts and Friends of the Earth.

Alongside the reckless approach to the nation’s finances, the government seems intent on tearing up protection for nature. In a three-pronged assault on nature Ms Truss and Mr Kwarteng plan to;

  • Scrap planning rules that protect nature in new ‘investment zones’ covering huge areas of the country.[1] [2]
  • Rip up environmental protections introduced by the EU, without plans for replacement.[3]
  • Withdraw plans to help farmers to protect nature [4], with reports suggesting the ‘Environmental Land Management Scheme’ (ELMS) has been ‘put on hold’ whilst a return to a Common Agricultural Policy type per acre payment is expected, which will break a specific manifesto pledge [5].

Of course just before these announcements we also saw Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg open the door to environmentally damaging fracking, a policy that is widely opposed, will do nothing to reduce energy bills, and which the founder of Cuadrilla himself says is unviable [6].

The responses from those who care for nature have been overwhelming. Joan Edwards, director of policy for The Wildlife Trusts, says these policies will mean “polluters can get away with poisoning our rivers and countryside – even more than they are doing already.” [7] Hilary McGrady of the National Trust says, “environmental protections are dismissed as ‘burdens’, while investment and growth are pitted against nature and climate action.”

These proposals come as part of a ‘dash for growth’ package which is also spooking markets and ruining government finances. There is no mandate for these measures: they actually reverse the direction of travel on the environment in your 2019 manifesto and have never been put to the British people.

Yet we know people’s livelihoods and local economies can be put on a sound footing with a three pronged approach to investment: in nature recovery, in renewable energy and in home insulation to reduce energy bills. Research has shown that “Protection and use of environmental assets is key to evening out economic imbalances between metropolitan and rural areas”[8]. In other words, the recovery of nature and the revival of local living standards should and can go hand-in hand.

We call on you to make plain to your party leaders that these policies must be reversed. We ask for a public statement from your group leader on your group’s views about these policies.

There is no case for staying silent, and every reason to stand up for your communities and for your local environment by making it plain that you will not support the tearing up of environmental protection and the reversal of attempts to help nature thrive.


Emma Brading and Micheal Rayment, Co-Chairs of Three Rivers Green Party

Cllr Chris Mitchell, Three Rivers District Councillor



[2] Map of investment zones:



[5] “in return for funding, [farmers] must farm in a way that protects and enhances our natural environment”





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Students want safer school commutes Fri, 07 Oct 2022 13:19:03 +0000 The post Students want safer school commutes appeared first on Three Rivers Green Party.

Cllr Chris Mitchell was honoured to be invited to talk with sustainability groups at both secondary schools in Croxley Green.

He said: “It is wonderful to see the energy and enthusiasm of young people trying to grapple with some of the most difficult issues facing humanity.”

One of their main concerns was how they could safely travel to school on foot or by bicycle. How can we have safer routes to school? What needs to be done? Please let Chris know where there are specific issues. For example, where safer crossing points are needed, if footways are too narrow, or not being properly maintained.

Screenshot from Ricky School social media. Chris stands in between two school girls smiling. The caption reads "Chris Mitchell, local Green Councillor, talking at our Eco Committee meeting today

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Every Little Helps! Fri, 07 Oct 2022 13:12:12 +0000 The post Every Little Helps! appeared first on Three Rivers Green Party.

Members of Sustainable Three Rivers persuaded Tesco to power their van refrigeration with electricity. Previously, the diesel engines were running while stationary, contributing to harmful air pollution.

Russell Ball and Rosi Jordon, with support from Green Party Councillor Chris Mitchell, managed to get Tesco to bring forward their plans and install electric charging points at the Rickmansworth site. It shows what local people can do to encourage companies to act more sustainably.

Two men stand in front of a Tesco delivery van. One is pointing to a new charging cable connected to the van Cllr Chris Mitchell with Russell Ball by the new electric charging station at Tesco Rickmansworth

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Backtrack on biodiversity Thu, 31 Mar 2022 14:25:47 +0000 The post Backtrack on biodiversity appeared first on Three Rivers Green Party.

The Liberal Democrats have backtracked on the grassland management policy (also called ‘no-mow’). It was first put forward by Independent Cllr Alex Michaels and the Council agreed to turn 50% of non-leisure grassland to meadow. The policy called for a ‘cut and lift’ method to encourage wildflowers and pollinators. However, in March, the report showed in reality it’s only 24%.

The Liberal Democrats are still claiming the 50% as an achievement on leaflets (see image) and their website. They received much positive press coverage and they chose to celebrate their forward-thinking approach to grassland management.

At the meeting on 14th March 2022, the Council decided to go with recommendations made by officers and move the goalposts. Currently, only 18% of our grassland is ‘cut and lifted’, with the Council aims to increase this to 24% this year. Obviously, this is far short of what was promised and appears to directly contravene what was agreed at the meetings in November and January attended by the public. The officer’s report suggests methods that the motion did not discuss and misses the core ecological aims of ‘cutting and lift’. We have lost 97% of meadows since the 1930’s and a lot of the biodiversity which lives in them (Hertfordshire State of Nature Report 2020). This is a key contributor to the Climate and Ecological Emergency we face. Screenshot of Liberal Democrat Leaflet claiming the Council re-wilds over 50% of its grassland for biodiversity

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Chris Mitchell gains support of ex-Lib Dem Thu, 31 Mar 2022 13:55:47 +0000 The post Chris Mitchell gains support of ex-Lib Dem appeared first on Three Rivers Green Party.

As an ex-Lib Dem, who left the party and went on to serve as an Independent Councillor, Alex Michaels is supporting Chris at the election on 5th May 2022.

“I am concerned about the Council’s poor performance on its environmental and biodiversity policies. Never has the District Council needed a councillor like Chris more than now.

“Chris is passionate, committed and has a proven track record. I’m of the belief that there is the right person for the right job and I think this is Chris’ moment. His balance will complement the Council and he will work in areas we really must make progress on.

“Please vote for Chris Mitchell!

Alex Micheals stands next to Chris Mitchell. Both are smiling and standing in front of a tree in blossom

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VIDEO: Chris and Andrew discuss new solar panels Thu, 31 Mar 2022 11:54:57 +0000 The post VIDEO: Chris and Andrew discuss new solar panels appeared first on Three Rivers Green Party.

Green Party members Chris and Andrew discuss the recent installation of solar panels on Andrew’s home in Croxley Green.

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What is going to happen to the Red Cross Hall? Tue, 15 Mar 2022 15:03:17 +0000 The post What is going to happen to the Red Cross Hall? appeared first on Three Rivers Green Party.

Chris Mitchell presented a petition signed by 555 local residents to Three Rivers District Council on 6th December 2021.

An inaccurate statement from a Lib Dem Councillor was read out and no debate was allowed. The Parish Council has written to correct this. You can read the facts on Croxley Green Parish Council website. The Liberal Democrats simply don’t listen to residents and think they can get away with misrepresenting the situation.

The Lib Dems send out regular newsletters. They never mention the Red Cross Hall. Why not? Are they ashamed of the decisions they made? Why do they keep running petitions and then ignore anyone else’s?

Chris is still campaigning to keep the Red Cross Hall as a resource for the whole community.

Chris points to the British Red Cross sign at the hall in Croxley Green

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Sycamore Road appeal dismissed! Sun, 13 Mar 2022 16:02:46 +0000 The post Sycamore Road appeal dismissed! appeared first on Three Rivers Green Party.

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New trees planted with better design, thanks to Green Party Tue, 15 Feb 2022 14:52:19 +0000 The post New trees planted with better design, thanks to Green Party appeared first on Three Rivers Green Party.

Back in 2019 members of the Green Party met with a highways officer to draw attention to the neglect of newly planted trees. Tree ties, which are used to secure young trees to their support stakes, have not been removed and are constricting tree trunks. This can sometimes result in tree death.

Following pressure from the Greens, Hertfordshire County Council has updated their tree maintenance strategy.

Chris Mitchell said:

“I am pleased to see that new trees are being planted with better support stakes that allow for growth. This will hopefully prevent  problems in the future.”

Chris stands with his thumbs up, next to a newly planted tree

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